SINCE 1969
History of endeavor shaping the future by taking the right path
1969 - 1979Identified the value
of the seas
Identified the value
of the seas
of the seas
1969. 04Established Dongwon Industries
1973. 02First overseas base built in Tema Harbor in Republic of Ghana, Africa
1976. 11Established Dongwon Cold Storage Co., Ltd.
1979. 01Established Orion Optics Co., Ltd.
1979. 01Introduced Korea’s first helicopter-equipped purse seine fishing vessel
1979. 07Established the Dongwon Education Foundation
1981 - 1989Proposed
a new value
of food culture
a new value
of food culture
a new value
of food culture
1981. 11Established Dongwon Food Co., Ltd.
1982. 05Acquired Hanshin Securities
1982. 11Launched first canned tuna product in Korea
1986. 02Completed construction of Seongnam factory (fish cake production)
1986. 03Selected as official supplier for the '86 Seoul Asian Games and '88 Seoul Olympic Games
1986. 12Completed construction of Changwon factory (canned tuna production)
1987. 11Established Dongil Frozen Food Co., Ltd.
1989. 03Dongwon Industries listed on the Korea Stock Exchange
1991 - 1999Overcame crisis
through innovation
Overcame crisis
through innovation
through innovation
1993. 06Completed construction of Dongwon new headquarters building in Yangjae-dong
1993. 07Held 3S Management Innovation Convention to overcome the Asian Financial Crisis
1995. 05Completed construction of Gwangju factory (drinks production)
1996. 04Officially launched Dongwon Group
1996. 07Completed construction of Jincheon factory (Kimchi and processed meat production)
1997. 02Founded Korea-Japan joint venture logistics firm RESKO
2000 - 2007Reborn as
a company needed
by society
Reborn as
a company needed
by society
a company needed
by society
2000. 11Founded Dongwon F&B (Dongwon Industries’ food business division spinoff)
2001. 04Dongwon Group established Dongwon Enterprise holding company
2001. 10Acquired FS division of 63 City and changed company name to Dongwon Home Food
2003. 01Separated financial subsidiaries and spun off Dongwon Financial Holdings
2003. 04Established Dongwon Wineplus
2005. 07Acquired DM Food
2006. 09Acquired Haitai Dairy
2007. 02Acquired Samjo Celltec and TSQ
2007. 07Opened Dongwon Leaders Academy
2008 - 2018Spread wings
to the world towards
the future
Spread wings
to the world towards
the future
to the world towards
the future
2008. 04Acquired the U.S. No.1 tuna brand StarKist
2010. 02Completed construction of Dongwon F&B’s Cheonan factory
2013. 10Completed construction of Senegal-based S.C.A SA factory
2014. 03Dongwon F&B merged with Dongwon Dairy Food / Dongwon Home Food merged with Samjo Celltech
2014. 05Dongwon Home Food constructed seasoning product factory in Weihai, China
2014. 10Dongwon Systems acquired 'Ardagh Samoa Inc.' (current Talofa Systems)
2014. 10Acquired Techpack Solutions
2015. 09Dongwon Systems acquired Vietnam packaging material company TTP, MVP
2017. 02Dongwon Industries, acquired Dongbu Express
2017. 03Acauired Trust tower building (Dongwon F&B building)
2017. 04Dongwon Home Food, acquired Doosan feed
2018. 03Dongwon Systems constructed packaging facility in Bac Ninh, Vietnam
2018. 04Dongwon Loex opened Cold Storage
2018. 11Dongwon Industries, acquired BIDC
2019 - 2025
Opening a Sustainable
Future through
Chain Innovation
Opening a Sustainable
Future through
Chain Innovation
Future through
Chain Innovation
2019. 04Dongwon Group’s 50th anniversary
2019. 10Dongwon Industries established Hanyang University AI Solution Center
2019. 10Dongwon Home Food opened Chungju Smart Factory
2019. 10Dongwon Systems entered the aseptic-filling beverage business
2019. 10Dongwon Industries acquired MSC fishing certification for the first time in Korea as well as ASC, CoC certification.
2020. 08Dongwon Industries entered the land salmon farming business to secure sustainable fishery resources
2020. 12 Honorary Chairman Kim Jae-chul donated KRW 50 billion to KAIST to foster AI talent
2021. 12 Expansion of business area in the livestock industry to leap forward as a Total Protein Provider
2022. 02 Dongwon Industries was selected as one of Korea's Most Admired Companies in KMAC 2022 (ranked no.1 for 8 consecutive years in the fishery business)
2022. 11 Dongwon Industries merged with Dongwon Enterprise
2023. 08 Dongwon Group awarded the "KASBA First and Best Company Award."
2024. 03 Namjeong Kim appointed as Chairman of Dongwon Group
2024. 04 Officially opened Korea’s first fully automated port, Dongwon Global Terminal Busan (DGT).